Friday, October 10, 2008

Suns/Jazz Preseason Game

So last week my friend Nate called me up and asked if I wanted his extra tickets to the Jazz/Suns preason game. Is the pope Catholic?! Of course I want them! I had 3 other activities that night but I dropped them all. Why? I love the Suns! But more importantly...I love Steve Nash! And let me just give you a little recap of the last/first Suns game I went to last year...

My awesome brothers got me tickets to a Suns/Jazz game last year for Christmas. And it was great because they also called up my cousins Christie and Nikki (die hard Jazz fans) to get tickets and come with us. So fun. I'll also never forget how my cousins apparently didn't know we were rooting for the Suns. When they walked up to where we were sitting Christie took one look at our shirts and said, "WHAT?...are you wearing?!!" Well, it was really fun except for 3 little...ok, BIG things--no Grant Hill, no Shawn Marion, and NO STEVE NASH! I.was.ticked. Nash was sick or something, he's NEVER sick! Except for the one time I go to watch him play. Ugh. And the Suns lost by a good 25 points. What made up for it was the constant heckling coming from my brothers. Oh, have you never been to a game with them? Hmm, well they don't care whose winning or losing, in fact it's probably more fun for them to heckle when their team is losing. In fact I think they heckly their own team. BJ is proud of his status as an equal opportunity heckler :) It was a good time, but I really wanted to see Nash work his magic in person!

Anyway, so I was really excited for this game because I could see no reason why Nash wouldn't be playing. I was not dissapointed.
Me and my boys

My friend Paul came to the game with me warming up...
There he is...Nash. Although he kept practicing that corner shot on the opposite side from where we were. Lame Steve, why can't you help me out a little?!
Nash againDragic--I've decided I like him. He was a hustlin', reboundin', passin' machine!
The National Anthem. Tip off...Shaq Diesel didn't even win it. What the?
Me and Paul
The group
Nash shooting freethrows--and making them of course
Me, Paul, and Rory's hand
This is apparently my "I'm really excited" face
Ok, funny story - So the Jazz bear was launching these little balls up to the crowd during one of the breaks. I was looking in my purse and didn't see one coming our way. Well, I turned around just as Paul was launching himself over the seats in front of us, landing on top of the row in front of that, sacrificing his body to the max, trying to get the ball--so that he could give it to a little boy of course :). In his attempt, he sprained his left pinky... he's my hero. I have included this picture of the beginning stages of the swollen-ness. It was awesome and, sorry Paul, so funny!!
Good times.

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