Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last last Friday night adventure

So I'm a little slow blogging about it, but last last Friday night my friend Lindsay (from hockey) was having her wedding reception in Mapleton. I knew, I knew, I KNEW I shouldn't go. I mean, Mapleton is an hour+ away, plus I was already late, plus I still needed to get a present, plus I was going right back there the next morning for a soccer game. PLUS when I put the address in mapquest it didn't like it and kept asking me if I meant Spanish Fork. Sure, they're close enough I thought, and mapquest knows what it's talking about, right?

But I wanted to see everyone and I told them all I was going so I got in my car and started driving. My window had broken earlier that morning and wouldn't roll down anymore. Better than having it be stuck down I say, but it fell a little so the wind was getting in just enough to be annoying.

I got all the way to Spanish Fork and stopped to get a present. I knew there was a fishy miscalculation when the people behind me in line at the store said, "Where are you going? 1250 S 1250 E? Well that's our house." Curious. And...I don't suppose...you're having a wedding reception at your house...right now? :)

My cheapskate mentality wouldn't let me turn around and go all the way home, wasting all that gas, without at least going to the address and checking just to make sure. Yup, no reception there.

Dahhh! Well...I guess I'll just drive home.

This is where I get on my blogging soapbox. Not kidding, the first thing I thought was how funny this would be to blog about. A much better response than my typical one which would be, namely, cursing about how stupid I am, what a waste of time, what a waste of money, what am I going to do with this present, I'm ticked that after all this I still won't get to see everyone, etc. etc. Instead? I laughed about it. Thank you blogging, you've made me a better person. Off soapbox.

My second attempt at "making the trip worth it" was to call everyone I knew in Provo to see if I could latch onto them for the night. No such luck. Thanks all my Provo friends for NOT answering your phones. Preston was on a date, an acceptable excuse, but where were all the rest of you hosers?

The fuel gage kept creeping lower and lower, taunting me. reminding me of every penny down the drain.

Well at least the drive back wasn't a total loss. First, I saw a falling star on the way home, gotta love that, THENNNN the song "Crush" by David Archuleta came on the radio. I love that song! I had to gently maneuver my sensitive volume control to get it high enough to hear over the blasted wind whistling in my ear from the broken window, but it was worth it. I blasted David Archuleta without shame. Alright, I'm gonna come clean here. I'm pretty sure I have a little cougar crush on David. But who doesn't just love him?!!

Moral of the story? MapQuest isn't as smart as everyone thinks, my gut should probably knock me over the head so I'll listen, my friends have better things to do than hang out with me, gas is expensive, blogging makes this world a better place, and David Archuleta makes me happy. I'd say the night went well. Now what to do with the wedding present...

Oh and um, sorry about the commercial before the video, I couldn't get any other ones on the blog.

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