Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Experience at Nielson's Frozen Custard

Well, it was perfect weather tonight and the Lakers were getting beat by 30. Both reasons to celebrate. So 2 of my roommates and I decided to go get some ice cream at Nielson's Frozen Custard. No big deal right? WOW.

Here's a sample of the conversation I had with the nice ladies behind the counter at this lovely establishment:

Me: I can't find the flavors on your menu, what do you have?

Nice lady: (Some gibberish about cookies & cream and vanilla, and then mix-ins).

Me: Oh, so your base flavors are c & c and vanilla?

Nice lady: We only have vanilla.

Me: Alright, well then can I have strawberry and cookie dough in a small cup?"

Nice lady: Oh, well if you get anything mixed in you have to get the big cup.

Me: Oh, so if you want a small cup you
have to get plain vanilla?

Nice lady: Well you can have other things as
toppings in a small cup, but if you want them mixed in you have to get the large.

Me: (Huh?) (Let's just get this over with) Ok, I'll have the large then.

Nice lady: That'll be $5.00

Me: (I look over at the display cup. Really? Whatever. I hand her my card.)

Nice lady: Um, we only take cash or check.

Me: (SERIOUSLY?!! Is this the 21st century or WHAT?!!)

So I get out my checkbook and write a dumb check for 5 piddly dollars. Thanks. Wake up and smell the plastic people. What business doesn't have a card machine?

Oh wait, it gets better.

So I get my ice cream. The thing is seriously dripping like a snow melt on Mount Everest - before I even take a bite! I was lickin' like a mad woman trying to beat the drippage, but as I was licking one side, the other was spilling over onto my hand. Well, 5 minutes and 20 napkins later, my roommate goes in and gets another cup for me. I put half of it into the extra cup but when I look down to take a bite it's no longer ice cream I'm looking at. It's like strawberry milk! I paid $5 for this?!!!

I hope they're not expecting me to come back because they can forget it. I'm taking my checkbook somewhere else thank you very much.

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